
Collective Advocacy MHAP offers collective advocacy opportunities to enable service users in West Lothian to raise collective issues with service providers, policy makers and any other relevant organisation. MHAP facilitates the West Lothian Services Users’ Forum (WLSUF) to provide a supported structure for service users to have their collective voices and opinions heard as part of MHAP’s commitment to challenging inequality.

MHAP coordinates services users’ responses to issues and forward them to relevant organisations. Invites visitors to provide information about services and mental health service developments to the Forum at the request of its members. Provides an opportunity for services to consult mental health service users (as agreed by Forum members). Keeps service users up to date with the changing environment and assist services users to make informed choices. The WLSUF meet on the first Friday of every month in Bathgate House. If you are interested in attending please feel free to contact MHAP.

The Mental Health Advocacy Project is registered as a charity in Scotland No. SC011560