Referral Process

The Mental Health Advocacy Project operates a flexible referral process and is happy to accept referrals from anyone accessing mental health and / or addiction services in West Lothian, or from anyone who has or has had a mental health and/or addiction problem that lives in or is receiving treatment in West Lothian.

We will accept self referrals and referrals from other agencies or services and family and friends as long as the person being referred is aware that a referral is being made.

Referral Procedure

We will give priority to people subject to the Mental Health (Care & Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003, Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 and Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007. We will endeavour to meet the request for these types of referrals within 3 working days.

If you wish to make a referral or to discuss further, please contact us.

The Mental Health Advocacy Project is registered as a charity in Scotland No. SC011560